Thursday 12 November 2015

Neigh Problem!

We all know Worms are harmful to the health of a horse but with so many different worming products on sale, most with name beginning with "Equ" and stories of resistance to certain treatments it can be confusing.

So here's a quick summary of the types of wormers we stock, grouped by their main active ingredients used to target particular parasites.

Types of Horse Wormers

  • Kills large redworms, small redworms, pinworms, large roundworms, lungworms,intestinal and neck threadworms and stomach worms.
  • Dosing interval 8-10 weeks.
  • Single dose in May, July and December.
  • Also highly effectively against bots.
  • Kills tapeworms
  • No known resistance in the UK.
  • Products include: Equitape (single dose, praziquantel), Equest Pramox, Eqvalan Duo , Equimax (single dose, combination wormers containing praziquantel).
Ivermectin & Praziquantel:
  • All the benefits of ivermectin activity with the added benefit of tapeworm control.
  • Single dose in Spring and Autumn (March/April and September/October) for roundworms and tapeworms.
  • Products include: Equimax Horse Wormer.
  • Kills small redworm including encysted stages, large redworm, pinworms, large roundworms, intestinal threadworms, stomach worms and bots.
  • Dosing interval for small redworm - 13 weeks.
  • Single dose during winter to treat encysted small redworms.
  • Products include: Equest.
  • Kills large redworms, small redworms, large roundworm and pinworms. Tapeworms at elevated dose rate
  • Dosing interval for strongyles every 4-6 weeks during summer and autumn at pasture, every 4 weeks for foals from 1 to 8 months old.
  • Products include: Strongid P (elevated dose, pyrantel)
  • Kills large redworms, small redworms, including encysted stages at elevated dose rates, pinworms, large roundworm, intestinal threadworms at elevated doses.
  • A five-day course can be used against inhibited mucosal stages of small redworms.
  • Dosing interval for strongyles 6-8 weeks (if no benzimidazole resistance).
  • There is widespread worm resistance to this wormer group against small redworms.
  • Products include: Panacur Equine (fenbendazole).
As always, if you are in slightest doubt CALL YOUR VET. Your horse's health is not worth gambling with!

Pet Drugs Online